Co-creating sustainable mobility at the neighbourhood level
Imlíne ábhair
This e-course has run and moderated during the indicated timeline in the course description. At the moment the content of this course is still available in a self-paced format for all participants who wish to access. The course is no longer moderated and therefore, there is no possibility to get a certificate from this course. In case there any updates regarding this course, it will be published here.
The current contact for this course in case of any questions is: Ralf Brand –
We might launch e-courses in similar topics in the near future, thus, please stay tunned and check regularly our landing page, all new e-courses will be announced here:
Thank you very much for your understanding and we look forward to having you in future courses!
The Mobility Academy team.
What is co-creation, and how can it be used to begin transforming our neighbourhoods into more vibrant, livable spaces for all people who live, move, shop, attend schools and relax in them?
This interactive, self-paced course is aimed at practitioners in city administrations who want to initiate and coordinate a co-creative process in one of their neighbourhoods. No prior knowledge is required. It is available 24/7 for 4 weeks (2 September to 30 September 2019). Each week a new unit will become available.
Participants who successfully complete all course tasks will receive a Certificate of Completion.
We hope you enjoy the course, and look forward to hearing from you in the discussion forum!Your course moderators
Kristin Tovaas, M.Sc. (Rupprecht Consult, Cologne, Germany) is coordinating the SUNRISE project together with her colleague Ralf Brand. Together, they're responsible for managing the 'co-implementation of solutions' phase in SUNRISE (Unit 5). She will also be moderating Unit 1: Getting started, Unit 2: Introduction to co-creation and Unit 7: Conclusion. Kristin has an interdisciplinary background in sustainability science, communication and system analysis, with a specialisation in sustainable transport and urban development. She works at Rupprecht Consult coordinating EU-funded projects and conducting research on sustainable, inclusive mobility.
Astrid Grossmann, M.Sc. (urbanista, Hamburg, Germany) is responsible for managing the 'co-identification of problems & co-validation of needs' phase in SUNRISE (Unit 3). Astrid has a background in urban planning with a specialisation in co-creation, innovative processes and urban mobility. She is a project leader at »urbanista«, a consultancy for urban strategies, urban research and participation. At urbanista we understand ourselves as co-creative designers and spatial researchers. Our aim is to help local actors to build their cases and projects on a broad public knowledge and engagement.
Lukas Franta, M.Sc. (TU Wien, Vienna, Austria) is responsible for managing the ‚co-development and co-selection‘ phase (Unit 4) and the process evaluation (Unit 6) in SUNRISE together with his colleague Nadine Haufe. He will be moderating Unit 4 and Unit 6 (process evaluation). Lukas has a background in urban planning and urban studies with a specialization in co-creation and participation in urban planning processes with a focus on urban mobility. He works at TU Wien (Vienna) providing consultancy and conducting research on participation in planning projects.Damian Stantchev, PhD (Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh, Scotland) is responsible for managing the 'co-assessment & co-evaluation' phase in SUNRISE together with his colleague Achille Fonzone, and focuses on impact assessment and evaluation in SUNRISE (Unit 6). Damian works as a Senior Research Fellow at Edinburgh Napier University. He has previous experience in the evaluation of sustainable mobility measures and have participated in a number of CIVITAS projects such as CAPITAL, PUSH&PULL and PROSPERITY.Nadine Haufe, M.A. (TU Wien, Vienna, Austria) is responsible for managing the process evaluation in SUNRISE (Unit 6) and the ´co-development and co-selection phase in SUNRISE (Unit 4) together with her colleague Lukas Franta. Together, they are moderating Unit 4. In cooperation with the colleagues from Edinburgh Napier University, she is also moderating Unit 6. Nadine has a backround in environmental and communication sociology with a specialization in sustainable mobility behaviour, sustainability communication, participation and co-creation in planning processes. She works at the TU Wien (Vienna) providing consultancy and conducting research on sustainable consumption and communication in planning.-
Unit 1 will get you started with the course. It introduces you to the background and idea of the SUNRISE project and how you can get the most out of this online platform and this course.
This module gives an overview of the course aims, target audiences and what you will gain from the course.
This module explains how you can use this course to best develop your own knowledge and to learn and exchange with your fellow participants.
In this Unit, we will introduce you to the main elements and principles of co-creation so you know how to set yourself up for a successful process.
SCORM packageWhat are the benefits of taking a co-creative approach? And what ingredients do we need for it? You'll find out the answers in this module and will become familiar with our six SUNRISE Action Neighbourhoods.
Who could be involved and what roles need to be filled to support a co-creation process? This module gives you an overview of these keys to success, including tips for how to maintain consistency and momentum.
Unit 3 gets your started with the co-creation process. Here you will learn about the first steps to be taken in your co-creation project: co-identifying the problems experienced in the neighbourhood, and then to co-validating the needs of the residents and other stakeholders.
In this module, you will learn why it's important to take this first step to form the foundation of your co-creation project.
How can you set yourself up for success when preparing for and kicking off the co-identification and co-validation phase?
How can you ensure that you get the full picture of the locally (perceived) mobility challenges, as well as the neighbourhood's wider context of challenges and opportunities you'll be working within?
It is good practice to double check with the public whether the synthesis your team created actually matches with the perspective of the public.
SCORM packageHow was the co-identification of problems and co-validation of needs conducted in the SUNRISE cities of Bremen and Lisbon? In this module, you'll learn about how they determined their corridors of action in this phase.
SCORM packageThis module uncovers the challenges that we observed in this phase with our six SUNRISE action neighbourhoods, and our recommendations for addressing them.
With the mobility problems co-identified and co-validated, it's now time to co-develop a range of solutions that will then be co-selected by the stakeholders and residents in the neighbourhood.
This module provides tips for organising a co-development and co-selection phase in your co-creation project, as well as covering the possible methods and tools that you can use.
How was co-development and co-selection implemented in the SUNRISE cities of Southend and Budapest? In this module, you'll learn about how they arrived at their selected measures.
Here we cover the possible challenges that are encountered during the co-development and co-selection phase, with recommendations on how to address them based on our experiences working in six SUNRISE action neighbourhoods.
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Introduction to co-implementation
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The co-implementation recipe
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Learning from the cities
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Risk management & lessons learned
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What have you learned and what else can you learn from the SUNRISE project?
Congratulations! You have completed the SUNRISE e-course on co-creating sustainable mobility at the neighbourhood level. Please take a few minutes to let us know about your experience with the course. Your feedback is greatly appreciated, and will be used to improve future e-courses.
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