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Course 2: Co-creating the SUMP vision

After setting-up the project management structure and investigating the regional and national framework for SUMPs, it’s time to plan for how to get the right stakeholders onboard. The second e-course focuses on the importance of co-creating the common vision for SUMP in cooperation with different stakeholders and citizens. Developing a common vision with citizens and other interest groups is a crucial start of the SUMP process. It creates ownership and acceptance, when citizens´ ideas and viewpoints are considered. Using the community´s knowledge can provide valuable input for the city administration in developing their SUMP. 

The course will introduce basic principles for mapping relevant stakeholder for the process. It will also give advice what to take into consideration when cooperating with institutional stakeholders and how to prepare a public participation and communication strategy. The course presents concrete examples of methods and tools that can be used in workshops and events with different stakeholder groups to support co-creation of the SUMP vision

Topic outline