Welcome to the FLOW “wing” of the Mobility Academy!
It was the aim of the FLOW project (2015-2018) to put walking and cycling on an equal footing with motorised modes by developing a user-friendly methodology to assess the effectiveness of walking and cycling measures in addressing urban road congestion in conjunction with transport modelling tools. The three FLOW e-courses address different aspects of the subject.
- Congestion and your city: the FLOW approach
- FLOW and transport modelling: looking at the tools
- Putting it all together: the policy context of applying the FLOW tools
These courses were offered with moderation in 2017 but the course content is still available for you to learn from on your own. You’re welcome to work thorough any or all of them.
For more information on the FLOW project contact Bonnie Fenton at b.fenton@rupprecht-consult.eu