1. Other TIDE online courses

While this is the only cycling course we are offering, TIDE has nine courses in several other areas of sustainable mobility. Following are the upcoming courses and the dates they are open:

Pricing measures prepared by:WSP logo

  1. Road user charging: how it works, the challenges and the benefits (02.06-27.06.2014)
  2. How to successfully implement a new parking pricing measure (23.06-18.07.2014)

Network and traffic management prepared by:Uni Southampton logo

  1. Open data: how can cities make the best use of it? (30.06-25.07.2014)

Electric mobility prepared by:Fraunhofer logo

  1. Charging infrastructure for electric vehicles: What kind? Where? How? (19.05-13.06.2014)
  2. How to encourage more electric mobility in the logistics sector (

Public transport organisation prepared by:Uni Gdansk logo

  1. Using marketing research to help optimise your public transport system (12.05-06.06.2014)
  2. Creating a metropolitan public transport authority (26.05-20.06.2014)

Cross-cutting themes prepared by:Wuppertal Institute logoRupptecht Consult logo

  1. Analysing the impact of new mobility measures in your city (09.06-04.07.2014)
  2. Integrating new transport measures into your city’s SUMP (07.07-01.08.2014)

If you or your colleagues are interested in any of these courses, please contact Bonnie Fenton from the TIDE team.