1. Summing up

We hope you've found this TIDE course on cycle parking useful and that we have provided you with some interesting ideas and examples, as well as the opportunity to learn from and with your colleagues across Europe.

Just to sum up, some of the key points we hope you'll take away:

  1. Cycle parking needs to be a key part of your town or city's cycling infrastructure. If people don't have a safe place to leave their bikes, they won't cycle. 
  2. There are a wide range of cycle parking options available. You need different kinds, depending on how long people's bikes will be parked and how far they will have to walk from the parking to their destination.
  3. Many stakeholders need to play a role in the planning and development of your city's cycle parking, inlcuding local businesses and the public transport provider.
  4. Cyclists are not the only ones who benefit from high quality cycle parking. Employers, businesses, pedestrians and the community as a whole benefit from increased cycling levels.
  5. Even if your city is not ready to develop a full cycle parking strategy, it does not mean you cannot move forward. Look for ways to integrate cycle parking into a range of other policies, plans and strategies.cycle stands at bus stop
  6. In cities that don't yet have the necessary experience and expertise in the local administration, local cyclists are your best experts. They understand the cycling needs of your city better than anyone.
  7. Car parking is expensive. If you can avoid building more by building cycle parking instead, your city will save money.
  8. If you are considering reallocating car parking to cycle parking, it pays to test it on a small scale before you implement it broadly.
  9. High-quality cycle parking facilities can be used by your city to promote itself as environmentally friendly and people friendly.
  10. Policy is important. If you can get a good cycle parking strategy embedded in policy, you can move forward more easily in the future rather than re-fighting the same battles again and again.