Unit 2: Background and context

Unit 2: Background and context

by Bonnie Fenton -
Number of replies: 3

Please post your responses to Unit 2 questions in the discussion area.

In reply to Bonnie Fenton

Re: Unit 2: Background and context

by Deleted user -

Task 1:

No all areas are well connected, there are connection, timetable and fare issues which needs to be solved.

Areas offer high quality of life and good transport connections are Bratislava city boroughs

No measures were implemented to encourage people for now

Areas around the city which could offer high quality of life and good transport connections after some investments are: closest villages to the city, where is no urban transport connection and are served for now with regional trnaposrt, which is not well organized

Map of Bratislava metropolitan area: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0f/OSM.Bratislava.2009-08-21.png

Task 2:

Bratislava have since last year (2013) first phase of integrated transport system, which is not as good as was imagined due to uncomplete regional transport coordination. This is due to the fact, that regional bus operator refused to reorganize lines to be just feeder for rail and still is competing rail transport. Integrated fare was introduced for subscriptions only. 

In reply to Deleted user

Re: Unit 2: Background and context

by Deleted user -

Dear Peter, 

do you have any data on ticket sales? May I ask you how expensive are the integrated tickets, compared with two separate tickets?

Sometimes simply time is needed to change peoples' habits, and sometimes integrated tickets are only a bit cheaper, than before. Surely not reogranised lines are surely also a big obstacle. Is there any organising authority that may enforce regional bus operator to reorganise lines?

In reply to Deleted user

Re: Unit 2: Background and context

by Deleted user -

Dear Michal,

ticket sales are under precise inspection due to loses generated by uncomplete integration. Integrated tickets (subscriptions actually) are bit cheaper than normal tickets - if you are travelling more than 40 trips per month (counted 20 days from home to work and back). Difference is not big, because this is not the target of integrated system to be cheap, but to be systematic and offer more connections for same value. If you travel more (there is no trip limitation, just date limitation of subscription), is more cheaper for you as traveller.

Authority for regional buses is region (Bratislava region self-government), but they are connected with the operator.