Unit 3: Roles of an MPTA

Unit 3: Roles of an MPTA

by Kristin Tovaas -
Number of replies: 1

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In reply to Kristin Tovaas

Re: Unit 3: Roles of an MPTA

by Deleted user -

Transport responsibility in Slovakia si divided between:

  • Ministry of transport is rensposible for rail transport
  • Cities (local governments) are responsible for Urban transport (buses, trams, trolleybuses)
  • regions are responsible for regional (suburban) transport (buses)
  • Road network management / Park&Ride facilities - for highways is highway company, for 1st class roads is state road administration, for 2nd and 3rd class roads outside settlements (villages) are responsible region, inside settlements except 1st class roads and highways are responsible local government (village, city - there is one exception - for 1st class roads inside capital is responsible local government)
  • Spacial planning - local governments and regions
  • Encouraging cycling and walking - any transport authority, but cycling is still something used for relax not as an transport mode (by some transport authorities and specialists)
  • Licencing taxis and private hire vehicles - local government responsibility
  • Facilitating freight transport?
  • functions which can be transfered to a MPTA: integrated transport modules - timetables, on-line dispatching and PT organizing, fare redistributing, licencing, strategies and planning, controlling
  • functions which should be transfered to a MPTA: metropolitan mobility organizing (cycling + paths, P+R, B+R, bikesharing, carsharing,parking strategy, fee collection [congestion charging], PT shelters)