Unit 2 Task

Unit 2 Task

από Kristin Tovaas -
Αριθμός απαντήσεων: 10

Please post your responses to the following questions in the discussion forum below:

  1. Which neighbourhood in your city have you chosen to work with in this course, and why?
  2. Are there any examples of previous initiatives in your city or chosen neighbourhood that could be classified as some form of co-creation? If so: Which ones?
  3. Have you heard of any inspirational co-creation processes from elsewhere?
  4. Who might be a candidate (organization or individual) for a good “care taker” of a co-creation process in your neighbourhood?
  5. Who could be valuable members of a Core Group in your neighbourhood?
  6. Do you think your public administration is “culturally” ready for co-creation? Why or why not?
Σε απάντηση σε Kristin Tovaas

Re: Unit 2 Task


  1. Which neighbourhood in your city have you chosen to work with in this course, and why?

We would like to work on the spa area, because it is our flagship, our flag

       2.Are there any examples of previous initiatives in your city or chosen neighbourhood that could be classified as some form of co-creation? If so: Which ones?

We haven't started any areas yet

       3. Have you heard of any inspirational co-creation processes from elsewhere?

We have never seen a practical example up close

       4. Who might be a candidate (organization or individual) for a good “care taker” of a co-creation process in your neighbourhood?

An excellent care taker could be the manager of the technical office who knows the population and the whole territory very well

      5. Who could be valuable members of a Core Group in your neighbourhood?

Municipal employees

      6. Do you think your public administration is “culturally” ready for co-creation? Why or why not?

I believe the administration is ready because it has based everything on popular participation
Σε απάντηση σε Kristin Tovaas

Re: Unit 2 Task

από Jelena Nikolić -

  1. Which neighbourhood in your city have you chosen to work with in this course, and why?

We've selected neighbourhood "United nation", which is approximately 2 km from the city center.  It's mainly residential area (individual houses, terrace houses and multistorey apartment buildings), but also has a coomercial and business activities. It's covered with public transport service.There is also a minority ethnic group. The neighbourhood is established in early '70 (XXc) and need improvements of public spaces and mobility services.

2. Are there any examples of previous initiatives in your city or chosen neighbourhood that could be classified as some form of co-creation? If so: Which ones?

We have organized workshop and field visit in this neighbourhood for collection of problems and finding solutions and ideas for improvements. Some measures are implemented.

3. Have you heard of any inspirational co-creation processes from elsewhere?

Yes, SymbioCity Approach in Sweden.

4. Who might be a candidate (organization or individual) for a good “care taker” of a co-creation process in your neighbourhood?

Representatives of Community center in neighbourhood.

5. Who could be valuable members of a Core Group in your neighbourhood?

Representatives of: Community center, City Administration, PE for urban planning, kindergarten, primary school, schoolchildren, local NGO, local business sector, PT operator, traffic police, association of people with disability

6. Do you think your public administration is “culturally” ready for co-creation? Why or why not?

Not fully ready, but we are moving forward. The reason is old mind set among decision makers and urban planners, but also lack of the funds and experience for co-creation process. There is also a lack of guidelines on national level about co-creation.
Σε απάντηση σε Kristin Tovaas

Re: Unit 2 Task

από Jelena Brković -

1.   Which neighbourhood in your city have you chosen to work with in this course, and why?

My colleague Jelena and I work on the same neighbourhood, so we selected neighbourhood "United nation", which is approximately 2 km from the city center.  The neighbourhood is established in early '70 (XXc) and since than there was no improvements of public spaces and mobility services. There are lots of cars parked in the public speace, especially on the green area, the urban equipment have not been maintained for many years, footpaths and sidewalks have not been maintained, creeks goes through the settlemant, whose capacity has not been utilized, through the settlemant also passes the railroad.

2. Are there any examples of previous initiatives in your city or chosen neighbourhood that could be classified as some form of co-creation? If so: Which ones?

We have organized workshop and field visit in this neighbourhood for collection of problems and finding solutions and ideas for improvements. Some measures are implemented.

3. Have you heard of any inspirational co-creation processes from elsewhere?

Yes, SymbioCity Approach in Sweden.

4. Who might be a candidate (organization or individual) for a good "care taker" of a co-creation process in your neighbourhood?

Representatives of Community center in neighbourhood.

5. Who could be valuable members of a Core Group in your neighbourhood?

Representatives of: Community center, City Administration, PE for urban planning, kindergarten, primary school, schoolchildren, local NGO, local business sector, PT operator, traffic police, association of people with disability, residents, Local artists, representative of minority ethnic group

6. Do you think your public administration is "culturally" ready for co-creation? Why or why not?

Not so ready. Old mind set among decision makers and urban planners.

Σε απάντηση σε Kristin Tovaas

Re: Unit 2 Task

από Ruxandra Aelenei -

Dear all, 

Here are my replies for the Unit 2 Task: 

1. Which neighbourhood in your city have you chosen to work with in this course, and why?

I have chosen the Utrecht Science Park (USP) neighbourhood because it is one of the fastest growing locations in the city. Further it is a complex new development, where the following are located: 

  • 100 companies and knowledge centres with 27,000 employees travelling daily to/ from USP
  • Utrecht University and Utrecht Medical Centre with approximately 51,000 students travelling daily to/ from USP
  • 2,500 students living units
  • possible future residential developments

What makes the case study interesting is that constellations of actors that are interested in a good accessibility of the area, but the lack of the traditional "concerned citizen" or "resident" at the moment, since this is not a residential area. On the other hand, the location is experiencing (and situation will worsen) big accessibility issues, due to the heavy home-work, home-study traffic and all transport modes will be under great pressure due to limited capacity. 

Since nobody actually lives in the neighbourhood, but a lot of parties have interests here, someinteresting questions are: Who will be responsible for solving mobility issues? Who will have a saying on it? Who should have a saying on it? How should the co-creation process take place?

2. Are there any examples of previous initiatives in your city or chosen neighbourhood that could be classified as some form of co-creation? If so: Which ones?

The Netherlands is world-wide known for its participatory decision-making processes, when it comes to urban planning in general and mobility, in particular. Wide public participation and co-creation is a guiding principle of planning processes here and this approach has become a common practice since the '80s. The Mobility Plan of Utrecht has been developed through a elaborate participatory and co-creative process, involving local, regional and national governmental representatives, citizen groups, environmental groups, public transport companies, experts and business associations. There were several round-table meetings and also an online communication platform/ forum. 

3. Have you heard of any inspirational co-creation processes from elsewhere?

As part of my self training, I have come across many interesting co-creation and participatory process. I particularly liked the process that was part of the elaboration of Bremen SUMP. Further, I can be proudly say that I, personally, have initiated and led several co-creation processes in countries where public participation is anything but a common practice, for example for the Mobility Plan of Bethlehem Conurbation, National Mobility Strategy for Republic of Georgia, etc. 

4. Who might be a candidate (organization or individual) for a good “care taker” of a co-creation process in your neighbourhood?

Given the complexity and the challenges in the USP neighbourhood, the contrasting and sometimes contradictory interests, Utrecht Municipality should be the "care taker" of the co-creation process. 

5. Who could be valuable members of a Core Group in your neighbourhood?

The members of the Core group can be: Utrecht Municipality, Utrecht Province, The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water, USP Foundation - an organisation representing companies and other actors from USP, student organisations and environmental groups. 

6. Do you think your public administration is “culturally” ready for co-creation? Why or why not?

For sure, see also my remarks and explanations above. 

Σε απάντηση σε Kristin Tovaas

Re: Unit 2 Task

από Angelos Smaragdakis -

1.  Which neighbourhood in your city have you chosen to work with in this course, and why?

I have selected the neighborhood of "Mastambas", which is less than 3 km from the city center.  It is residential area (mainly houses), but also has a commercial and business activities. It's covered with public transport service. That neighborhood needs improvements of public spaces and mobility services like bike paths and parking lots for the decongestion of traffic jam.


2. Are there any examples of previous initiatives in your city or chosen neighborhood that could be classified as some form of co-creation? If so: Which ones?

A frequent problem for my city, is the bad situation of the roars and the asphalt. Thus, a co-creation form could be considered the co-funding for a new type of road.


3. Have you heard of any inspirational co-creation processes from elsewhere?

A very good example of co-creation in a near city, Rethymno, which is an excellent standard, solving issues related to sustainable mobility.


4. Who might be a candidate (organization or individual) for a good “care taker” of a co-creation process in your neighborhood?

Representatives of Community center in neighborhood.


5. Who could be valuable members of a Core Group in your neighborhood?

Representatives of: Community center, City Administration, PE for urban planning, local business sector, PT operator, local NGO ,traffic police, association of people with disability and generally passionate people who can motivate other to participate or can observe problems and try to solve them.


6. Do you think your public administration is “culturally” ready for co-creation? Why or why not?

Not fully ready, but we are moving forward. The reason is old mind set among decision makers and urban planners, but also lack of the funds and experience for co-creation process. There is also a lack of guidelines on national level about co-creation.

Σε απάντηση σε Kristin Tovaas

Re: Unit 2 Task

από Vimal Kr Gahlot -

1 . I have selected the Schools and academic institutes area for co crearuin development. As in these areas young kids and students are most vulnerable and prone to road crashes.

2.Yes, in brief it was limited road safety awareness campaign and road improvements only.

3.Yes, in some cities of Europe,  for example Malmo, Sweden etc. 

4. Our organistaion CfRSD  and Municipal corporation, development authority 

5.School, Institues, Students, Teachers, Bus drivers, NGO, Municipal corporations etc.

6. Culturally not ready ,but ready to shift to a new paradigm, as  co creation is totally a new concept of development which involves all stakesholders, different from conventional merhod. But overll to bring about changes system may learn new concepts in public interest. 

Σε απάντηση σε Kristin Tovaas

Re: Unit 2 Task

από Saša Džumhur -

1.            Which neighbourhood in your city have you chosen to work with in this course, and why?

Central city area because people living there have shown they are aware of importance of local community when it comes to big issues in their neighborhood.


On the other hand Municipality „Sarajevo Centar“ have recently started some sustainable urban mobility activities e.g. removing of vehicles parked in public spaces in the central city areas bringing it back to pedestrians.

2.            Are there any examples of previous initiatives in your city or chosen neighbourhood that could be classified as some form of co-creation? If so: Which ones?

City of Sarajevo and Canton Sarajevo are partners in regional project SUMSEEC II funded by German Ministry for economic cooperation and development BMZ and implemented by GIZ. In July this year Canton Sarajevo invited over 40 public institutions, NGOs and civil societies to a workshop where all together have started to co-create SUMP for Sarajevo.

3. Have you heard of any inspirational co-creation processes from elsewhere?

No, I haven't

4.            Who might be a candidate (organization or individual) for a good “care taker” of a co-creation process in your neighbourhood?

Canton Sarajevo Government

5.            Who could be valuable members of a Core Group in your neighbourhood?

City of Sarajevo, Municipality „Sarajevo Centar“, local communities, NGOs, citizens/local experts etc.

6.            Do you think your public administration is “culturally” ready for co-creation? Why or why not?

Yes, I think the Canton Sarajevo Government is “culturally” ready for changes and willing to co-create.
Σε απάντηση σε Kristin Tovaas

Re: Unit 2 Task

από Giannakos Lazaros -

I have chosen the center of Trikala. It is characterized by a mix of land use, incorporating commercial, business, recreation and residential usages. A river flows through it and there are several bridges facilitating mobility. It is also where congestion mainly occurs in peak hours. There also several pedestrian areas and I believe that it can all be pedestrianized in a long term vision, allowing only public transport through it, as I proposed in the SUMP’s public deliberation. The SUMP’s project team seems to agree with this opinion.

The SUMP’s public deliberation is a form of co-creation. The project Cities-4-people, also mentioned in the presentation, is another form of co-creation. Within it a Mobility Lab was organized, giving the opportunity to citizens to participate and propose mobility-related measures. I was the one to propose one of the measures that are being implemented, the installation of smart storage lockers located in the city center. Another example is the tree planting alongside the railway network across my family home. This was my father’s initiative and he was the one to be supplied with the raw material from the municipality’s agronomy department and make the planting. Finally, the municipality’s deliberation site is another example promoting co-creation.

An inspirational co-creation process is the example of a public space in Exarchia, Athens, where it was decided to be built a parking station. A group of people disagreed with this decision and squatted the place turning it into a green space where events like movie nights were organized. Now, it is decided to legally become a playground. I am also aware of the example of Jane Jacobs and her wrestling with Robert Moses about the construction of expressways and the expropriation of several neighborhoods and how her book “The death and life of great American cities” affected the public opinion and the process of planning in general. The pedestrianization of Agias Sofias street in Thessaloniki is another example of citizens’ struggling for it and finally becoming a pedestrian street. I am also aware of the trend of DIY urbanism from all around the world.

Local authorities.

Representatives of local authorities, trade association, traffic police, public transport, association of people with disability, citizens…    

It is working on it, as it already deploys co-creation strategies through the SUMP, the Cities-4-people project, and promoting it through the construction of the deliberation site.    

Σε απάντηση σε Kristin Tovaas

Re: Unit 2 Task

από Violeta Mihalache -

  1. Which neighbourhood in your city have you chosen to work with in this course, and why?

The neighbourhood proposed is the historical part of the city, comprised of the original quartiers of the city (Iosefin, Cetate and Fabric) connected by the river Bega that crosses the city from East to West, as a central point in the city life. The area is reach in valuable architectural buildings (mainly baroque and art-nouveau), that gives the cultural identity of the city. The public space have enjoyed in the last years important investments –  pedestrianized city centre, the banks of the river Bega are equipped with cycling lanes and leisure spaces, and recently, public transport with vaporetto has been introduced. The population has an interesting composition: there is the original population that lives in the historical buildings and that is usually old and with a low income – almost 70% of the inhabitants. But in the area there is also a large population of high earning professionals that work in the multinationals that are in this area. They are young, open-minded and interested in change. A third category, that is of the public servants that work in the administration buildings in the area and that of the artists performing in the cultural spaces in the area (Opera, four theatres, art galleries, two museums, philharmonics, bookstores, cultural NGOs s.o.).

  1. Are there any examples of previous initiatives in your city or chosen neighbourhood that could be classified as some form of co-creation? If so: Which ones?

Some parts/forms of co-creation have been used in different participatory documents that were elaborated in the last years by the Municipality: SUMP, MasterPlan of Development, Cultural Strategy of the City s.o. But, in all the cases, co-creation was used only in the second phase – that of co-development. There was not co-initiate, co-implement and co-evaluate. Also, there were few initiatives coming from different NGOs, but again, only parts of co-creation were used: co-initiate and co-develop. So, I rather say, that co-creation have not been used in my city.

  1. Have you heard of any inspirational co-creation processes from elsewhere?

I have heard about MUV project and also about SUNRISE.

  1. Who might be a candidate (organization or individual) for a good “care taker” of a co-creation process in your neighbourhood?


  1. Who could be valuable members of a Core Group in your neighbourhood?

Residents, young professionals working in the area, artists, representatives of civic and cultural NGOs, public servants, representatives of the small businesses in the area (cafes, restaurants s.o.),

  1. Do you think your public administration is “culturally” ready for co-creation? Why or why not?

No. The attitude of the present local administration towards dialogue and participatory approaches is inadequate.

Σε απάντηση σε Kristin Tovaas

Re: Unit 2 Task

από Zahrah Ali -

  1. Which neighbourhood in your city have you chosen to work with in this course, and why?

Bruce Grove in Haringey, as we are preparing a bid to implement active travel initiatives in the area, and we are using a collaborative method to identify suitable solutions. The area has many public realm schemes proposed and therefore we want to tie in new work around sustainable transport. The area has high levels of car presence, higher levels of child obesity compared to the London and Haringey average, higher levels of pollution and other factors.

2. Are there any examples of previous initiatives in your city or chosen neighbourhood that could be classified as some form of co-creation? If so: Which ones?

Liveable Neighbourhoods scheme in Crouch End (Haringey) which worked with local community groups, residents, interest groups etc. to determine the interventions needed. Two week pilots of the interventions are due to be undertaken, which includes further local consultation.

3. Have you heard of any inspirational co-creation processes from elsewhere?

I am familiar with Commonplace - which is an online community consultation platform. It can run throughout the entire project process, which allows local residents and businesses to continuously update on feedback along the way (and not just at certain points of the project). This has been used for successful schemes in London such as the Mini-Holland scheme in Walthamstow, which aimed to increase cycling uptake through physical interventions.

4. Who might be a candidate (organization or individual) for a good “care taker” of a co-creation process in your neighbourhood?

The council is best placed as we have connections to multiple sectors of the community. However, local residents associations/community leaders should be heavily involved to encourage residents to participate.

5. Who could be valuable members of a Core Group in your neighbourhood?

Haringey Transport Forum, schools, We are the 14 per cent (disability organisation), local businesses, residents associations, religious groups.

6. Do you think your public administration is “culturally” ready for co-creation? Why or why not?

We are getting there, hence us asking what interventions the community want, instead of officers designing a scheme without their input. The application of Commonplace is therefore apt.