- What methods for co-development do you consider suitable in the neighbourhood(s) you are working with? Why?
-workshop with field visit and round tables, since some participants can get better ideas of the neighbourhood when they are on site (not everybody have the possibility to imagine the 3D area or read the map)
-combination of on line and off line survey, but it's important to develop communication strategy and to raise awareness about topic via different channels (social media, leaflets, posters...)
- mobile spots on locations with high frequency of pedestrians
2. What problems might emerge in your co-selection processes and how would you try to overcome them?
Distraction with other problems, eg. district heating problem or similar. This might be overcome with good communication strategy and quality of information.
Lack of participation practice and general attitude "my opinion is irrelevant, so why should I participate, someone else will decide, I'm not an expert for that"- this can be solved in an early phase with implementation of low cost measures based on public participation ideas, that can built trust and show that even small scale intervention can make a difference.
Lack of funds for conduction of co-selection and co-development process can also be a problem.
3. Which actors do you consider most relevant in a co-development process for mobility in your neighbourhood(s) and why?
All stakeholders are important. Involvement of city administration and community center is important because of allocation of funds in annual budget development plan. Private sector in neighborhood is also important since it can provide finance for some measures, but also their business activities can have an impact on mobility in the area (eg. distribution of goods, commuting of workers, etc). Inclusion of minority Roma population is also important.
4. Are there any features in your neighbourhood(s) that might be particularly conducive or problematic for the co-development and co-selection of mobility related measures?
Good communication with community center and established network of mobility coordinators in schools and kindergartens are helpful for this process. Kindergarten and primary school are in the neighborhood, so the information of the project can be spread to the users. There are few big shops on one area that attract a lot of people, so that can be suitable location for some event.
Problem is lack of participation practice as mentioned above. Lack of funds for the implementation. Car oriented lifestyles. Lack of common sense of ownership of the public space or privatization of public space (occupying by car).