Unit 4 task

Unit 4 task

by Kristin Tovaas -
Number of replies: 10

Please post your responses to the following questions in the discussion forum below:

  1. What methods for co-development do you consider suitable in the neighbourhood(s) you are working with? Why?
  2. What problems might emerge in your co-selection processes and how would you try to overcome them?
  3. Which actors do you consider most relevant in a co-development process for mobility in your neighbourhood(s) and why?
  4. Are there any features in your neighbourhood(s) that might be particularly conducive or problematic for the co-development and co-selection of mobility related measures?
In reply to Kristin Tovaas

Re: Unit 4 task

by Vimal Kr Gahlot -

  1. What methods for co-development do you consider suitable in the neighbourhood(s) you are working with? Why?
Field walk and Mobile stand around schools will be most suitable, as maximum road users and stakeholders can be engaged.
  1. What problems might emerge in your co-selection processes and how would you try to overcome them?

  2. Ans: Online selection via website is difficult due to low penetration of internet facilities and under aged road users, to over come this offline workshops and leaflets will be used to capture maximum response

  3. Which actors do you consider most relevant in a co-development process for mobility in your neighbourhood(s) and why?
  4. Ans:Local authorities, school management, kids parents, Traffic police etc as they are the key actors in selection of the co development.
  5. Are there any features in your neighbourhood(s) that might be particularly conducive or problematic for the co-development and co-selection of mobility related measures?
  6. Ans:Main Highways and High speed commercial vehicles are major bottelneck in the co-development

In reply to Kristin Tovaas

Re: Unit 4 task

by Saša Džumhur -

1. What methods for co-development do you consider suitable in the neighbourhood(s) you are working with? Why?

Brainstorming for public institution representatives and experts; Low effort and costs; Easy method for activating thought processes.

Focus Groups to learn about opinions, attitudes, aspirations and concerns of elderly people; Low effort and moderate costs; Inclusion of “hard-to-reach groups”.

Message Board opened up for large group of interested persons to discuss online; Low effort and costs; Providing collaborative answers to complex questions.

Mobile stands for direct dialogue with citizens.

2. What problems might emerge in your co-selection processes and how would you try to overcome them?

Risk management is great tool to anticipate problems and solutions (through risk assessment and risk mitigation measures).

3. Which actors do you consider most relevant in a co-development process for mobility in your neighborhood(s) and why?

Different actors (decision makers, citizens, experts) have different responsibilities and in co-development process it is hard to say who is the most relevant.

4. Are there any features in your neighborhood(s) that might be particularly conducive or problematic for the co-development and co-selection of mobility related measures?

So called „shared responsibilities“ between Canton Sarajevo, City of Sarajevo and municipality „Sarajevo Centar“ might become problem once when it comes to co-selection.

In reply to Kristin Tovaas

Re: Unit 4 task

by Angelos Smaragdakis -

  1. What methods for co-development do you consider suitable in the neighborhood (s) you are working with? Why?


·         Round tables with all actors and core group. Face to face dialogue helps and encourage people to participate. Low cost is an advantage too.

·         A public event should let people know the effort, the scope and goal. Easy method for activating thought processes.

·         Social media message board for a large group of person in interest. Low costs and easy to organize.

  1. What problems might emerge in your co-selection processes and how would you try to overcome them?

·         A problem that could occur is the selection of solutions that very expensive and the budget could not support.  From the beginning must be   clear the budget of the effort and the founding for every solution.

·          Argument about the suitable solution for every problem. The co-selection procedure must be democratic and the participation widely open for all.

  1. Which actors do you consider most relevant in a co-development process for mobility in your neighborhood(s) and why?

·         public transport operators

·         climate protection agencies

·         local NGO's

·         university staff

·         students

·         local, regional and national public administration representatives

·         local and regional elected politicians


All these actors have something in common. Can easily get attention, have interest in it and can provide more easily tools.

  1. Are there any features in your neighborhood(s) that might be particularly conducive or problematic for the co-development and co-selection of mobility related measures?

·         Advantages: well spread of social media including elderly people, regional elected politician extremely interest in sustainable mobility and finally the region of Crete is well known for the problems of mobility and easily could get the needed interest of stakeholders and actors.

·         Bureaucracy of Greece.

In reply to Kristin Tovaas

Re: Unit 4 task

by Ruxandra Aelenei -

  1. What methods for co-development do you consider suitable in the neighbourhood(s) you are working with? Why?

I think a mix of online and offline methods would be ideal, also as a continuation of the information and engagement process that has started prior to the co-development process. 

Online methods

  • Dedicated website with possibilities to collect data via survey forms
  • The website of University (for students and staff)
  • Th website of the neighbourhood/ area association/ foundation
  • Social media page: Facebook, Instagram and possibly (LinkedIn)

Offline methods

  • Events in the public space (since there is not much happening now in the public pace, being a work/ studie area, these kind of events would surely attract a lot of interest)
  • Mobile stands placed in key locations (entrance to university buildings, the hospital, major public transport hubs)
  • Interactive workshops, facilitating the dialogue and interaction between different actors, with different views, needs and interests
2) What problems might emerge in your co-selection processes and how would you try to overcome them?

Lack of interest or loss of interest (on the longer term) could be a major issue, since this is not a residential area. For example, some students study and/ or stay here for less than a year, and a maximum of 4-5 years. The same goes for employees at the university or companies. 
This problem can be overcome by organising many interactive, attractive and engaging events in the public space, which would attract participants. Moreover, civic engagement in general, in The Netherlands, is quite high, and people are used to be asked for their input/ opinion/ feedback, so probably this obstacle can be overcome easily if the approach will appeal to people and would make them feel part of a community. 

Furthermore, focus of stakeholders might be directed only on short-term measures (given the situation explained above). If the desire is to develop a longer term vision, the discussions need to be steered carefully in that direction during the discussions and workshops. 

3. Which actors do you consider most relevant in a co-development process for mobility in your neighbourhood(s) and why?

I think all actors are equally important, since they can bring such different topics and discussions to the table.
4. Are there any features in your neighbourhood(s) that might be particularly conducive or problematic for the co-development and co-selection of mobility related measures?

Already touched upon above. 

In reply to Kristin Tovaas

Re: Unit 4 task


Please post your responses to the following questions in the discussion forum below:

  1. What methods for co-development do you consider suitable in the neighbourhood(s) you are working with? Why?

Survey for all citizens, Mobile stands in Municipality House, Public events/workshops 

Because I think that this is the way to take citizens to take part in action plan

      2. What problems might emerge in your co-selection processes and how would you try                   to overcome them?

The problem could be the lack of participation of the population

The resolution is the ability of our technicians and administrators to involve the population, making them understand the importance of developing the plan

      3. Which actors do you consider most relevant in a co-development process for mobility in your neighbourhood(s) and why?

The Municipal Administration, Local transport companies, Territory Development Associations and the technicians

    4. Are there any features in your neighbourhood(s) that might be particularly conducive or problematic for the co-development and co-selection of mobility related measures?

The introduction of electric vehicles

In reply to Kristin Tovaas

Re: Unit 4 task

by Giannakos Lazaros -

1.       Round tables and workshops are suitable methods for bringing all actors together, while online methods like crowdsourcing or poll can engage more people. A field trip could also facilitate the decision making process.

2.       Small participation of the public or equally popular measures to be implemented. Questionnaire survey on the road could give a solution.

3.       All commuters, bicyclists, disabled people, traffic police, hospital, university, service providers etc.

4.       The experience in such processes is an advantage. However, not all citizens are aware of the significance of participating and getting involved in every day issues like mobility and a big portion is critical to such innovations and actions and stuck into old-fashioned modes of transport absolutely lacking of green behavior.     

In reply to Kristin Tovaas

Re: Unit 4 task

by Jelena Nikolić -

  1. What methods for co-development do you consider suitable in the neighbourhood(s) you are working with? Why?

-workshop with field visit and round tables, since some participants can get better ideas of the neighbourhood when they are on site (not everybody have the possibility to imagine the 3D area or read the map) 

-combination of on line and off line survey, but it's important to develop communication strategy and to raise awareness about topic via different channels (social media, leaflets, posters...)

- mobile spots on locations with high frequency of pedestrians

2. What problems might emerge in your co-selection processes and how would you try to overcome them?

Distraction with other problems, eg. district heating problem or similar. This might be overcome with good communication strategy and quality of information.

Lack of participation practice and general attitude "my opinion is irrelevant, so why should I participate, someone else will decide, I'm not an expert for that"- this can be solved in an early phase with implementation of low cost measures based on public participation ideas, that can built trust and show that even small scale intervention can make a difference. 

Lack of funds for conduction of co-selection and co-development process can also be a problem.

3. Which actors do you consider most relevant in a co-development process for mobility in your neighbourhood(s) and why?

All stakeholders are important. Involvement of city administration and community center is important because of allocation of funds in annual budget development plan. Private sector in neighborhood is also important since it can provide finance for some measures, but also their business activities can have an impact on mobility in the area (eg. distribution of goods, commuting of workers, etc). Inclusion of minority Roma population is also important.

4. Are there any features in your neighbourhood(s) that might be particularly conducive or problematic for the co-development and co-selection of mobility related measures?

Good communication with community center and established network of mobility coordinators in schools and kindergartens are helpful for this process. Kindergarten and primary school are in the neighborhood, so the information of the project can be spread to the users. There are few big shops on one area that attract a lot of people, so that can be suitable location for some event.

Problem is lack of participation practice as mentioned above. Lack of funds for the implementation. Car oriented lifestyles. Lack of common sense of ownership of the public space or privatization of public space (occupying by car).

In reply to Kristin Tovaas

Re: Unit 4 task

by Violeta Mihalache -

  1. What methods for co-development do you consider suitable in the neighbourhood(s) you are working with? Why?

Brainwalking – a method that is new for us, captures quickly the interest and attention of the participants; everyone gets the sense of the area and the problems we are targeting.

Focus groups – for high qualitative input.

Future Workshop – creative and unconventional way to gather inspiring ideas, suited to young people that are more reluctant in involving in traditional methods.

Opinion Survey – both online and offline, to reach as many people as possible

World Café – a great way to exchange ideas, in a relaxed atmosphere.

  1. What problems might emerge in your co-selection processes and how would you try to overcome them?

If the number of those that involve in the co-selection process is to low, the selected measures may be not representative for that community. A good process of information about the importance of the co-selection process and both online and off line tools for selection – are a must.

  1. Which actors do you consider most relevant in a co-development process for mobility in your neighbourhood(s) and why?

On one hand, there are the professionals/experts coming from different institutions (public administration, transport operator s.o.) – because they can give a proper feedback regarding the feasibility and costs of different measures. Then, the citizens (as children, or residents, or impaired people s.o.) – because they know best the problems their community is facing and what solutions are fit for them. And, there the politicians – because they have the power to make things happen, by budgeting and prioritizing them.

  1. Are there any features in your neighbourhood(s) that might be particularly conducive or problematic for the co-development and co-selection of mobility related measures?


In reply to Kristin Tovaas

Re: Unit 4 task

by Jelena Brković -

1.  What methods for co-development do you consider suitable in the neighbourhood(s) you are working with? Why?

A mix of methods (online / offline; playful; workshops; discussions; public events, special small events). The reason  is that we want to involve as many citizens as possible.

2.  What problems might emerge in your co-selection processes and how would you try to overcome them?

A problem may arise if some participants do not respect others' opinions.

3.  Which actors do you consider most relevant in a co-development process for mobility in your neighbourhood(s) and why?

Community center, people with disabilities, young people, resident, urban planners, representatives of minority group, business sector specialy in busy street. Because they all use the public space on a daily basis, their suggestions can improve the content of the public space, increase the quality of life and make the mobility of people from the settlements more sustainable.

4. Are there any features in your neighbourhood(s) that might be particularly conducive or problematic for the co-development and co-selection of mobility related measures?

Yes, different traffic regulation and parking policy on busy Street, which is on the outskirts of the neighborhood, and connects it to the city center. The only way to mark bike lanes is if parking on one side of the street is canceled. There is a high frequency of vehicles in the street and an increased need for parking.

In reply to Kristin Tovaas

Re: Unit 4 task

by Zahrah Ali -

  1. What methods for co-development do you consider suitable in the neighbourhood(s) you are working with? Why?

- Interventions in public spaces and field trips, so residents and visitors can see how new measures can feel and look.
- Design workshops so residents can fully understand the pros and cons of their ideas

2. What problems might emerge in your co-selection processes and how would you try to overcome them?
- The authority has raised the expectations of those involved and beyond, and therefore certain groups are disappointed if their suggested measure isn't implemented.

3. Which actors do you consider most relevant in a co-development process for mobility in your neighbourhood(s) and why?
- A range of stakeholders: residents, children, schools/teachers, people with disabilities, the elderly, public transport operators, local authority

4. Are there any features in your neighbourhood(s) that might be particularly conducive or problematic for the co-development and co-selection of mobility related measures?
- Conducive: lots of work already going into public realm developments in surrounding areas
- Problematic: lack of trust with local authority, crime/safety levels