Unit 6: Financing MPTAs

Unit 6: Financing MPTAs

par Kristin Tovaas,
Nombre de réponses : 1

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En réponse à Kristin Tovaas

Re: Unit 6: Financing MPTAs

par Utilisateur supprimé,

In Slovakia there is no financial incentive for local authorities to co-operate within a MPTA.

Actual tested schema is:

- all revenues are divided by MPTA between all operators, actually by vehicle kilometers being runned in particular area, later is prepared change by number of passengers travelling with each type of PT

- gaps between costs and revenues is filled by grants of responsible authority

- MPTA have mixed financing - fixed payment by both authorities which set up MPTA and % from operator revenues

Tailor-made solution -> is hard to create one, due to different possibilities in each region, different financial issues and different  expectations.