Unit 2 task: related policy

Re: Unit 2 task: related policy

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In my case I must say that there are some plans and policies that should be very useful to improve cycling in theory, but the results are very poor.

There is a regional (Galicia) "Alternative modes of transportation Plan" that only refers to cycling. After a lot of data (no surveys) and graphs, they propose routes linking mayor cities along existing roads. Not very useful. Specially taking into account that here ends one of the biggest bike route in the world (The Way to Santiago), but cyclist are not very well treated. You are "second class" in The Way.

I am afraid that this document is more propaganda than an actual plan.

At city level, we have a Urban General Plan (sort of a Master Plan) where they draw some red lines along some streets as bike lanes, but without any detail.

We have also a SUMP (without survey or bike use data), where they draw a net of bike infrastructure. But there is no detail either. 

In five years since the SUMP was finished nothing was made. I think we need the SUMP development regarding bikes, pedestrian, car parking, cars speed, etc. So, with the council engineers support, I proposed to the mayor the development of a Bike Plan, starting with oline surveys focused on target groups (schools, University, large working places, sports centers, etc). We hope that this plan could lead to a rational bike infrastruture plan. We want to know where to spend money with success. 

So, nowadays, I am afraid that there are few plans or policies that could improve cycling here in Lugo.

Nevertheless, there are some examples of good policies in other spanish cities or regions: Catalunya Mobility Act; Local regulations in Vitoria, Burgos, Barcelona...;  Andalucía Bike Plan, etc.

