
TUMI E-Bus Mission Course

Description Target audience
The E-Learning course provides knowledge in regards of different requirements for planning, implementing and monitoring electric buses. To help the worldwide mass roll-out of e-buses, the goal is to support cities in their transition towards electric bus deployment and provide an opportunity to exchange with other cities and experts on the topic. The e-course aims to equip authorities and public transport companies with the tools and skills to plan for and operate electric buses.
Energy-efficient public transport infrastructure deployment

Description Target audience
The e-course aims to provide a solid knowledge basis for planning of energy-efficient public transport infrastructure. The participants are introduced to the overall topic, given examples of technologies and solutions available and tested in (Central) Europe, and will have access to specific use cases based on the evaluation of pilot actions deployed during the project. The e-course aims to equip authorities and public transport companies with the tools and skills to plan and operate low-carbon infrastructure.
Introduction to sustainable public transport
Description Target audience
This course introduces sustainable public transport and helps participants begin to develop feasible measures to enable public transport to meet future needs. The course will help you consider the various policies, factors, insti-tutions and stakeholders involved, recognise potential challenges and determine good forms of collaboration and involvement. Participants will learn the basics about sustainable public transport and measures to promote it at the local level. [SOLUTIONS, 2015] Those who are relatively new to integrated transport systems who would like to understand the components and processes to consider when improving public transport systems; this course focusses on helping cities that are relatively new to sustainable public transport.
Using market research to help optimise your public transport system

Description Target audience
This course offers an overview of a range of topics related to marketing research in public transport including the definition and purpose of market research; the scope of market re-search in public transport; market segmentation; designing market research; data collection, processing and analysis; understanding your audience when preparing research reports and organising market research in public transport. [TIDE, 2014] Those involved in a range of public bodies and other public transport stakeholders, including: public transport operators, public transport authorities, passenger councils, advisors to public bodies, local and regional politicians and decision makers, academia.
Creating a metropolitan public transport authority
Description Target audience
Increasing suburbanisation has created a need for neighbouring authorities to collaborate in providing
public transport by forming metropolitan public transport authorities. This course will address the potential scope of MPTA activities, including alternative approaches and voluntary vs. obligatory PTAs. It provides examples of successful MPTAs and addresses potential legal barriers and political obstacles. [TIDE, 2014]
Practitioners in local or regional administrations across Europe who are interested in making the public transport in their metropolitan area more integrated and user-friendly.

Additional resources

Electrification of public transport toolbox
Description Target audience
The ELIPTIC Learning Platform offers a web-based toolbox that comprises useful resources for public transport operators that are interested in the electrification of public transport in their cities. This toolsbox provides aggregated results from the ELIPTIC use cases, all materials presented during the yearly webinars, as well as a training part for the use of simulation tools. [ELIPTIC, 2018] Public transport operators that are curious about electrification of public transport in cities and are uncertain about what technological solutions to pursue.

Green Driver Assistance Systems

Description Target audience
This online training module focuses on the project topical area Green Driver Assistance Systems (GDAS). Green driving, or eco-driving, describes the energy efficient driving of vehicles by adopting a smoother driving style which avoids excessive harsh maneuvers or aggressive driving behaviors. The main objective of GDAS is to help drivers to achieve more efficient driving, mainly by informing them about their driving style while driving, and afterwards allowing them to see where they can improve. The training module provides insights into the outcomes of the EBSF_2 demonstrations in Barcelona, Lyon, Madrid, San Sebastian, where tests and evaluations of different eco-driving assistance systems have been carried out.. [EBSF_2, 2018] Public transport operators that would like to learna bout the possibilities of making use of eco-driving schemes in their companies
Active mobility consultancy campaigns
Description Target audience
This course promotes the use of public transport in rural areas and the use of existing public transport services via personalised travel marketing approach, called Active Mobility Consultancy (AMC) campaigns. The course is specifically set up to kick-start your own AMC campaign and will provide guidance on how to adapt this to your local context. The main benefit of AMC is to gain better insigh into the demands of current passengers and the views of those who do not use public transport yet. One of the core ideas promoted by AMCs are feeder systems that provide small-scale, demand-driven mobility services to bring passengers to the nearest bus or railway stops. [SMARTMOVE, 2016] Public transport operators that want to learn about direct marketing and communication tools to adapt their services to the needs of their customers.
Viimati muudetud: kolmapäev, 7. september 2022, 14.18 PM