Unit 4: your task
Choose an area of your town or city that is a destination (for work, study, shopping, etc.) and spend some time looking at it critically to see how and where bikes are parked. If you can, it's ideal to go at a busy time of day. Questions to ask yourself:
- Are the existing bike racks well used or do people seem to choose other places to lock their bikes? If so, does there appear to be a logical reason for their choice?
- Are the racks of a type that support the bikes properly and allow both the frame and the wheel to be locked?
- Are bikes parked in the way of people walking?
- Do people seem to use the racks in the way they were intended (unlike in the photo below)?
Provide some comments about bike parking in your town or city based on your observations. What is done well? What is done less well? If you can, please also share a couple of photos to illustrate what you found. Please post your answers in the forum under Unit 4 task: a close-up look.
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Last modified: Friday, 2 May 2014, 4:06 PM