Since this unit is called 'Introduction', your first task is to introduce yourself and your town or city. Please write a couple of sentences saying:

  • where you're from
  • what you do
  • what your experience is with cycling infrastructure in general and cycle parking in particular
  • what the population and the cycling mode share is in your town or city

Please post your introduction in the news forum under Unit 1: Introduction.

We (Bernard and Bonnie) will be adding our thoughts and comments to the news forum on a regular basis as well. So you also know who are, we'll introduce ourselves as well.

Bonnie Fenton is a researcher and educator specialising in sustainable urban mobility and cycling Bonnie photoas a means of transportation. She has a Master of Education from the University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada). Her work experience includes initiating a cycling programme to teach adults to cycle for transportation, researching and reporting on good practices in cycling education and promotion in Europe and North America, and coordinating a public consultation process on the future of cycling in Metro Vancouver. She developed and instructed a series of online courses on cycling promotion for starter cycling cities across Europe within the EU PRESTO project and contributed to the book On Bicycles: 50 Ways the New Bike Culture Can Change Your Life.

Bernard Gyergyay is a transport planner specialised in sustainable transport policy and travel behaviour. He studied and researched transport planning at the Institute for Transport Studies (University of Leeds), Bernard Gyergyaythe Centre for Transport Studies (Imperial College London and University College London) and the National University of Singapore. Bernard has worked as a consultant for UN Habitat Urban Mobility in Nairobi, Kenya on sustainable urban mobility solutions for the urban poor, as a transport planner for the Barclays Cycle Superhighways Project in the Transport for London Behaviour Change Team and as a blue-book stagiaire for the European Commission Directorate General for Mobility and Transport.

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Last modified: Friday, 2 May 2014, 4:03 PM