As noted in the section on drivers and barriers, cycle parking could logically play a role in other policy areas. That's to say, even if your city is not yet ready to develop a full cycle parking strategy, there's no reason you can't start to get it embedded into other policy areas. Your task here is to look into other policy areas in your city (official plans, strategies, etc.). Are there places where cycle parking could be incorporated? Think about, for example, policy around residential or commercial development, urban planning, public transport, the environment, air quality or health.

Share one or two policy areas in your city where you see opportunities to include cycle parking issues.

for example in development policy, there are likely already standards set for the amount of car parking required. You could propose that developers be required to include a certain amount of resident and visitor cycle parking in any new residential development or renovation of an existing development.

Please post your introduction in the news forum under Unit 2: related policy

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Last modified: Friday, 2 May 2014, 4:03 PM