SUMI is a service contract for the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport providing technical support related to sustainable urban mobility indicators (MOVE/B4/2017-358). The project will help urban areas using the “SMP2.0 Sustainable Mobility Indicators” developed by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD).

Find out more about the SUMI project!

SUMPs-Up - Accelerating the Take-up of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (2016 – 2020)


SUMPs-Up is a European Programme for accelerating the take up of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs). An experienced consortium of public and private organisations, including four major city networks and seven front-runner cities, has reviewed, strengthened and integrated existing resources, designing a support system to assist cities to overcome the barriers associated with developing high quality SUMPs. The project fosters knowledge transfer and peer-to-peer exchange and supports national governments and multipliers in developing structures for SUMP.

Find out more about the SUMPs-Up project!

FLOW - Reducing congestion through more walking and cycling (2015 - 2018)


The FLOW project aimed to put walking and cycling on an equal footing with motorised modes with regard to their ability to address urban congestion. This was done by developing a methodology to assess the effectiveness of walking and cycling measures in addressing urban road congestion in conjunction with transport modelling tools and by more accurately incorporating walking and cycling into transport modelling tools.

Find out more about the FLOW project!

Urban Nodes - Study on improving the efficiency of the transport system in urban nodes of the TEN-T core network (2015 - 2016)

Image result for trans european transport network logo

  • Provides technical assistance to the European Commission's DG MOVE in helping to further develop the urban dimension of the trans-European transport core network (TEN-T) in the framework of the new TEN-T policy initiated in 2013;
  • Identify cost-effective measures to improve the efficiency of the transport system in urban nodes and draft recommendations on how to improve and replicate those  measures in other urban nodes;
  • E-course which available to all interested urban nodes of the core European transport network comprising facts, findings and recommendations to identify effective policies and measures to fulfil their nodal function in the TEN-T.
Find out more about the Urban Nodes project!

SmartMove - Promoting public transport use in rural areas (2014 - 2016)


  • Focus on specific challenges of public transport in rural areas, incl. feeder systems;
  • Increasing peoples' awareness and use of public transport through active mobility consultancy;
  • Interactive e-learning course about lessons learned from first-hand experience.
Find out more about the SmartMove project!

CH4LLENGE - Addressing the four key challenges of sustainable urban mobility planning (2013 - 2016)


  • Addressing the most pressing challenges in the development and implementation of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs)
  • Innovative and transferable solutions tested by nine European cities;
  • E-courses on participation, cooperation, measure identification and monitoring & evaluation.
Find out more about the CH4LLENGE project!

SOLUTIONS - Sharing opportunities for low-carbon urban transportation (2013 - 2016)

Solutions logo

  • Sharing best practice experience in low carbon urban transportation with cities across the world;
  • Focus on various regions: the Mediterranean, China, Singapore and Latin America;
  • Facilitating dialogue and creating networking opportunities;
  • E-courses on public transport, cycling infrastructure, logistics, SUMP, electric vehicles and many more
Find out more about the SOLUTIONS project!

SWITCH - Embracing active travel for health (2014 - 2016)


  • Promoting a switch from car-travel to active modes (walking and cycling) through:
    • Personalised travel planning (PTP);
    • Use of health arguments;
    • Use of ICT tools;
    • Addressing people in life-change moments;
  • Interactive e-learning course to support the development of an "Implementation Scenario".
Find out more about the SWITCH project!

TIDE - Transportation innovation deployment for Europe (2012 - 2015)


  • TIDE fosters take-up of 15 innovative urban mobility measures throughout Europe;
  • Thematic clusters on financing models / pricing; non-motorised transport; network and traffic management; electric vehicles; public transport organization;
  • Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans as horizontal topic across all thematic clusters;
Find out more about the TIDE project!

TRANSFORuM - Transport 2050 (2013 - 2015)


  • "Stakeholder-driven" roadmaps towards the implementation of the 2011 Transport White Paper of the European Commission in four ares:
    • Clean urban mobility
    • Long-distance freight
    • High-speed rail
    • Multimodal transport information, management and payment systems
  • Key results available in interactive eLearning format; see for full-length versions.
Find out more about the TRANSFORuM project!

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Paskutinį kartą keista: pirmadienis, 2020 kovo 23, 09:29